Combined Congress of ALLSA (Allergy Society of South Africa), SATS (South African Thoracic Society) and ASID (African Society for Immunodeficiencies), Sun City, South Africa: 5 – 9 June 2013
Please note that the deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to Monday the 22nd of April.
All abstracts must be submitted on-line. To submit your abstract, click here
To view the full congress programme, click here
To register for the congress, click here
For further information, please contact the congress secretariat:
Sonja du Plessis / Yvonne Fernandes
Tel: +27 11 768-4355 or e-mail or
The Sun City slogan reads: “A million thrills. One destination.” We are adding another million thrills, with one congress! The Ithemba le Afrika congress will be a landmark, and one of the biggest, medical congresses offered on the African continent in 2013. This is happening because of a first ever congress partnership between ALLSA (The Allergy Society of South Africa), SATS (The Thoracic Society of South Africa) and ASID (the African Society for Immunodeficiencies). A large faculty of international and local speakers will offer an outstanding academic program on the synergies and the State of the Art in these specialties. Clinicians, scientist and medical workers, who deal with patients suffering from respiratory, immune and allergy related disease, will benefit at the congress.
Ithemba le Afrika translates to “hope for Africa”. The congress will offer endless networking opportunities to international, continental and regional delegates. Africa is the continent of the future. We invite you to come and learn, and meet, and partner and enjoy with us. You cannot afford to miss it!
Andre van Niekerk
Congress Chair
It seems like we have just finished our last Congress and we are already planning the one for 2013. Well ALLSA has a real treat in store for you in June 2013. We are hosting a combined Congress with SATS and ASID. The latter group is the African Immunodeficiency Group. Judging from the attendance at the Immunodeficiency Sessions at this year's Congress I predict this symbiotic relationship will have much appeal. I know that most of us struggle with patients who get recurrent infections and this Congress should hopefully answer all those question. In addition we have just confirmed a number of European Allergists for the meeting, the most notable of those being Adnan Custovic.
Adnan has been to South Africa before and I know he is a popular and charismatic lecturer. Because we will be a big group we have chosen to go back to Sun City. It is a wonderful Congress venue and I look forward to seeing all of you there.
Robin Green
Primary Immunodeficiency has come of age at last in South Africa!
Ithemba Le Afrika will be the first congress of its kind in South Africa and the third for African Immunodeficiency since the formation of the Society in Casablanca in 2008. The 6th African School will be hosted also at this congress. Collaboration within Africa, but also with our colleagues from Europe, North and South America and even the Far East has marked the beginning steps of ASID. The “Call for Action for Africa” for Primary Immunodeficiency or in short PIDs, initiated by the Jeffrey Modell Foundation in 2012 in Hammameth, is set to continue this work of education and networking at ASID III in Sun City. Three societies have joined hands and forces to address the medical issues and needs of our patients and an international selection of esteemed speakers is keen to share their knowledge.
Doctors, nursing staff, patients and parents are invited and need to be involved for us to succeed in the care of those affected by Primary Immunodeficiency.
I look forward to see you at “Ithemba le Afrika” - Hope for Africa.
A warm welcome,
Monika Esser
ASID Chair
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the South African Thoracic Society (SATS), we are delighted to welcome you to this combined congress, which is being held with the Allergy Society of South Africa and the African Society for Immunodeficiencies. This exciting partnership promises a diverse congress that combines state of the art clinical updates, practical workshops, research presentations and the opportunity to once again connect with friends and colleagues and also forge new friendships and collaborations. This is also a chance to hear some of the leading experts in adult and paediatric respiratory illnesses and in cardiothoracic surgery with several invited international guest speakers as well as a number of our own national experts. We welcome abstracts for the congress which can be submitted here.
We hope that you will be able to join us and look forward to welcoming you in June 2013 at Sun City.
Best wishes
Heather Zar
SATS President
Congress Organisers
Londocor Event Management
Tel: +2711 768 4355
Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Rabat : 22-23 Juin 2012
Les 22 et 23 Juin dernier, à la Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie de Rabat, la Société Marocaine des Déficits Immunitaires Primitifs (MSPID) a organisé son 5e Congrès annuel sur la Prédisposition Génétique aux Infections, en collaboration avec la Société Marocaine des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif (SMMAD) et le Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine (CNTS). Les thèmes principaux abordés étaient la transfusion au cours d’un Déficit Immunitaire Primitif (DIP), les DIP au Maghreb et au Maroc et les atteintes digestives au cours des DIP. Ce congrès a été présidé par Mme le Pr Amina Kili, Pr d’Hémato-oncologie pédiatrique de Rabat et Secrétaire Générale de la MSPID.
La Société Marocaine de Déficit Immunitaire Primitif, en partenariat avec la Société Marocaine des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif SMMAD et le Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine CNTS Maroc, organisent le 5ème congrès Marocain de la Prédisposition Génétique aux Infection le Vendredi 22 et Samedi 23 Juin 2012 à la Faculté de médecine et de Pharmacie de Rabat. Les principaux thèmes qui seront abordés :
Foundation Challenges African Physicians from 17 Countries to Implement Regional “Call to Action”
Primary Immunodeficiencies (PI) – Call to Action – Driving Diagnosis for Optimal Care
مؤسسة جيفري موديل تتحدى الأطباء الأفارقة من 71 دولة لتنفيذ "نداء العمل"
الأسبوع العالمي لضعف المناعة الأولي - حملة للتحسيس العالمي لإنقاذ ملايين الأنفس في العالم
On behalf of the ASID board and the local organizing committee i warmly welcome you in Tunisia . Since its birth in Casablanca and during the last two years, ASID has been very active establishing a network involving colleagues of different regions of Africa including North, West and South African countries. Four schools have been already organized in Casablanca, Dakar and Johannesburg. This second congress will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the capacity of colleagues all over the continent to better diagnose and manage patients with PIDs. The commitment and contribution of international experts, societies and associations to this process is highly appreclated. Please be assured that we will do everything possible to make your stay in Hammamet enjoyable Mohamed Bejaoui Final Scientific Program |
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L’Association Marocaine pour le Déficit immunitaire primitif ( en Partenariat avec la Société Marocaine des Maladies Respiratoires (SMMR), l’Equipe de Recherche sur les DIP du Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche en Santé de l’Enfant du Pôle de compétence Santé et Société (Pr F. Dehbi) de la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Casablanca et l’Association Hajar ( organisent le 4ème Congrès National sur la Prédisposition aux Infections Respiratoires le Samedi 25 Juin 2011 à la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Casablanca.
Le Groupe d’Etude Marocain des Neutropénies Congénitales GEMNEUTRO organise le Samedi 23 avril 2011, le 1er Séminaire sur les Neutropénies Congénitales à l’unité d’immunologie clinique, Service des Maladies Infectieuses Pédiatriques P1, Hôpital d’enfant de Casablanca (sur inscription).
Télécharger l’article : La neutropénie chronique chez l’enfant
Pour tous renseignements et inscription (Nombre de place limité à 40), contactez Dr Fatima Ailal, Tel : 0665011901, E-mail :