The Sudanese Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (SSCI&A) organized its annual guest lecture on Thursday 21 January 2016. This was presented by Dr Richard Herriot, FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (Edin), FRCPATH, consultant immunologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Dr Herriot was in a 3 day visit to Khartoum as an external examiner for the Final Clinical Immunology MD for the year 2015/2016. This is a 4-year programme offered by the Sudan Medical Specialization Board (SMSB), Clinical Immunology Council (CIC).

He gave an elegant and thoughtful talk about Autoimmunity in Primary Immunodeficiency. The talk was followed by dinner and the event was done in collaboration with the SMSB. The event attracted about 80 doctors from different specialities and at different levels of their training including the newly graduated clinical immunologists.

Dr NahlaErwa
Khartoum, Sudan

In last December, in Casablanca (Morocco), a new scientific society for primary immunodeficiencies was founded: the Arabic society for Primary Immunodeficiencies (ARAPID). Its first congress, held in Casablanca, jointly with the 8th Annual Congress of the Moroccan Society for Primary Immunodeficiencies, was attended by more than 250 delegates coming from 13 countries of the Arab world. The main language was Arabic. Program is available here.

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