The Moroccan Society of primary immunodeficiency (MSPID) is pleased to share with you the report of its 7th Annual Congress on Genetic predisposition to infections, held on 28 and 29 November 2014, at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca.

The congress was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Prof. Farid Chehab, and chaired by the Vice-President of the MSPID, Pr Brahim Admou. A Tribute was paid to Professor Said Benchekroun, Honorary President of the MSPID, who retired this year.

Three main themes have been programmed for various medical specialties. Thus, the Round Table on the predisposition to skin infections attracted dermatologists. The Round Table on Inflammatory Bowel Disease was more oriented to the gastrointestinal enterologists. Finally, the Round Table on the Autoimmunity and primary immunodeficiency brought together various specialties, including rheumatologists and Hemato-oncologists, Internal Medicine and immunologists.

We received several national and international speakers, including Anne Puel and Emmanuelle Jouanguy from Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Foundation Imagine in Paris, Dr. Daniel Kotlarz from Dr. von Hauner in Munich, Prof. Claire Fieschi from Hospital Saint-Louis in Paris and Professor Benedicte Neven from Pediatric Immuno- Hepatology and Rheumatology Unit of the Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris. We also received guests from several countries: Senegal (Pr Indou Deme Ly), Mauritania (Dr. Haidy Zeinobou) and Algeria (Dr Nadia Abdellaoui).

On the other hand, 269 participants were enrolled. Of these, the majority were Pediatricians, followed by students in medicine and science, and adult physicians. Fifteen nurses, including 2 Algerian and 1 Mauritanian, also attended the workshop which was devoted to them, and was animated by Ms. Dorothea Grosse Kreule (UK) and Ms. An Reniers (Belgium). This workshop was the first edition of A-Nurse Project, an initiative of ASID. Forty-eight participants were able to present an oral presentation and 69 posters were displayed.

Finally, within the congress was organized a workshop on "repeated fevers", coordinated by Prof. Dr. Naima El Hafidi. The workshop allowed a diagnostic approach to distinguish recurrent fevers of infectious or inflammatory origin. Two symposia have also been proposed, the first concerning the use of immunoglobulins in Immune Thrombopenia and neurological pathologies and the second concerning the use of anti-D immunoglobulin.


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