Last 11-13 December, took place the second edition of the MENAID (Middle East-North Africa ImmunoDeficiency) in Marrakesh, which brought together PID experts from the whole MENA region. A total of 40 participants were invited. Two international speakers were also invited: Prof. Klaus Warnatz, from Centrum for Chronic Immunodeficiency in Freiburg, and Professor Andrew Cant, from the HSCT Center in Newcastle.

A total of 19 oral presentations were made concerning the diagnosis strategies, combined immunodeficiencies, defects of innate immunity, the regional experience and hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. Furthermore, 18 posters were displayed, which the two best were rewarded.

The meeting, organized thanks to the support of Orphan Europe, was an opportunity for exchanges between participants and an update on what is done in this area in terms of diagnosis and care for PID.

Pr Ahmed Aziz Bousfiha, ASID General Secretary and MENAID Host, with Pr Andrew Cant, ESID President

Participants of the 2nd MENAID Meeting


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