1. El-Gamal YM, Hossny EM, El-Sayed ZA, Reda SM. Allergy and immunology in Africa: Challenges and unmet needs. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2017 Nov;140(5):1240-1243. Nominated for the the Elsevier Atlas Award.

  2. Sullivan KE, Bassiri H, Bousfiha AA, Costa-Carvalho BT, Freeman AF, Hagin D, Lau YL, Lionakis MS, Moreira I, Pinto JA, de Moraes-Pinto MI, Rawat A, Reda SM, Reyes SOL, Seppänen M, Tang MLK. Emerging Infections and Pertinent Infections Related to Travel for Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies. J ClinImmunol. 2017 Oct;37(7):650-692. doi: 10.1007/s10875-017-0426-2. Epub 2017 Aug 7.

  3. El Hawary RE, Meshaal SS, AbdElaziz DS, Elsharkawy MA, Alkady RS, Lotfy S, El-Sheikhah A, Hassan A, Galal NM, Boutros JA, Elmarsafy AM. Genetic Counseling in Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: An Emerging Experience in Egypt. MolDiagnTher. 2017 Dec;21(6):677-684.Galal N, Meshaal S, Elhawary R, ElAziz DA, Alkady R, Lotfy S, Eldash A, Boutros J, Elmarsafy A. Patterns of Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders Among a Highly Consanguineous Population: Cairo University Pediatric Hospital's 5-Year Experience. J ClinImmunol. 2016 Oct; 36(7):649-55.

  4. Picard C, Bobby Gaspar H, Al-Herz W, Bousfiha A, Casanova JL, Chatila T, Crow YJ, Cunningham-Rundles C, Etzioni A, Franco JL, Holland SM, Klein C, Morio T, Ochs HD, Oksenhendler E, Puck J, Tang MLK, Tangye SG, Torgerson TR, Sullivan KE. International Union of Immunological Societies: 2017 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Committee Report on Inborn Errors of Immunity. J ClinImmunol. 2018 Jan;38(1):96-128. doi: 10.1007/s10875-017-0464-9. Epub 2017 Dec 11.

  5. Bousfiha A, Jeddane L, Picard C, Ailal F, Bobby Gaspar H, Al-Herz W, Chatila T, Crow YJ, Cunningham-Rundles C, Etzioni A, Franco JL, Holland SM, Klein C, Morio T, Ochs HD, Oksenhendler E, Puck J, Tang MLK, Tangye SG, Torgerson TR, Casanova JL, Sullivan KE. The 2017 IUIS Phenotypic Classification for Primary Immunodeficiencies. J ClinImmunol. 2018 Jan;38(1):129-143.

  6. Schlechter N, Glanzmann B, Hoal EG, Schoeman M, Petersen BS, Franke A, Lau YL, Urban M, van Helden PD, Esser MM, Möller M, Kinnear C. Exome Sequencing Identifies a Novel MAP3K14 Mutation in Recessive Atypical Combined Immunodeficiency.FrontImmunol. 2017 Nov 27;81624. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01624. eCollection 2017.

  7. Hemingway C, Berk M, Anderson ST, Wright VJ, Hamilton S, Eleftherohorinou H, Kaforou M, Goldgof GM, Hickman K, Kampmann B, Schoeman J, Eley B, Beatty D, Pienaar S, Nicol MP, Griffiths MJ,Waddell SJ, Newton SM, Coin LJ, Relman DA, Montana G, Levin M. Childhood tuberculosis is associated with decreased abundance of T cell gene transcripts and impaired T cell function. PLoS One. 2017 Nov 15;12(11):e0185973.

  8. Ouederni M, Ben Khaled M, Rekaya S, Ben Fraj I, Mellouli F, Bejaoui M. A nine-month-old-boy with Atypical HemophagocyticLymphohistiocytosis.Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis. 2017 Oct 16;9(1):e2017057.

  9. Ben-Khemis L, Mekki N, Ben-Mustapha I, Rouault K, Mellouli F, Khemiri M, Bejaoui M, Essaddam L, Ben-Becher S, Boughamoura L, Hassayoun S, Ben-Ali M, Barbouche MR.A founder mutation underlies a severe form of phosphoglutamase 3 (PGM3) deficiency in Tunisian patients. 2017 Oct;90:57-63.

  10. Ben-Ali M, Yang J, Chan KW, Ben-Mustapha I, Mekki N, Benabdesselem C, Mellouli F, Bejaoui M, Yang W, Aissaoui L, Lau YL, Barbouche MR. Homozygous transcription factor 3 gene (TCF3) mutation is associated with severe hypogammaglobulinemia and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Allergy ClinImmunol. 2017 Oct; 140(4):1191-1194.e4.

  11. Massaad MJ, Cangemi B, Al-Herz W, LeFranc G, Freeman A, Baxi S, Keles S, Metin A, Dasouki M, Sobh A, Kanariou M, Al-Sukaiti N, Ozen A, Ochs H, Chatila TA, Manis JP, Geha R. DOCK8 and STAT3 dependent inhibition of IgE isotype switching by TLR9 ligation in human B cells. ClinImmunol. 2017 Oct;183:263-265.


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