Dear ASID members,

It is a great honor for me to take the office as President of our Society.

ASID is now 5 years old and well established as the only global representative of the PID community in Africa.  

Each past ASID meeting  has been  the occasion to reinforce and extend the network between African physicians involved in the care of Primary Immunodeficiency patients  and  we feel now already mature and ready for the next challenges.

I am very proud and honored to be the fourth president of ASID for the next two years  and it is my pleasure all together with the president elect , the new board members and the Algerian organizing committee to welcome you to the next ASID congress which will be held in Algiers ALGERIA on 27-29 May  2015.

We are preparing a rich program and prestigious speakers from all over the world and Africa have already confirmed their participation to this meeting. This is a great opportunity for all the physicians, pediatricians, immunologists, allergists internal medicine, hematologists, pulmonologists,… to join  the growing ASID family for a large network.

Our aims remain the increasing awareness and knowledge regarding PIDs in Africa, to set an African registry of PID and to help the working groups to achieve their goals.  These  Working committees and technical groups are invested in many aspects of the immunodeficiency : Registry (M.Brink, R. Boukari, L. Jeddane), Research (F. Mellouli, M. Benali, A. AL Marsafi) ,Clinical training (A.Bousfiha, B. Eley, J. Chipeta), Biological training (T.Dieye, N. Kechout,  W.Abbas)  Advocacy and awareness (S. Reda, F. Ailal).

We will continue and reinforce the collaboration with other scientific societies: ESID, LASID, National Pediatric Societies in Africa.

This is also a right time to thank Monika Brink and Brian Eley for their excellent work during the ASID congress 2013 in Sun City.

I look forward welcoming you on  27 – 29 May  2015 in the majestic bay of Algiers .

Warmest regards

Rachida Boukari
President of ASID
President of the Algerian Pediatric Society  
June 2013


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