de D à G M. Chtioui Dr Mylène Mimblia (Gabon) Dr Indou Deme (Sénégal) Pr Aziz Bousfiha (Maroc)
PID Workshop
A droite : Dr Mylène Mimblia - A gauche : Pr Simon Otegbo
An ASID delegation was present at Antalya. The A- project was presented and discussed.
ASID Delegation to J Project Analya Marsh 2014
R to L Shereen Monika JL Casanova Aziz
L : With Dorothea Crosse Kreul (UK, IPOPI) - R: With Pr Marodi J project President
Workshop Team
From R to L: Prof Naima El Hafidi (Rabat, GS of MSPID), Prof Fatima Ailal (Casablanca UIC), Prof Mohamed Bejaoui (Tunisia, ASID past President), Prof Claude Griscelli (Morocco, ASID Honorary President), Pr Rachida Boukari (Algeria, ASID President), Aziz.
Fatima AILAL presenting the 10 Commandments for the diagnosis of PIDs.
Dr N. Himoudi lors de sa conférence au Congrés Maghrébin d'Hématologie.
From R to L Prof Ben Othmane (Tunisian Society Président), Aziz, Dr N. Himoudi, Prof Saadia Zafad (Pediatricien hemato-oncologist). Agadir, May 23