In the frame of the World PI Week, on 11th June 2015, the Libyan team in Benghazi organized a Lecture on Clinical immunology and Primary Immunodeficiencies.

Immunology Study Day, Benghazi

Our members in South Africa don’t rest and organized a PID School in Port Elisabeth, this September, in margin of the ALLSA Congress.

PID School, September 2015, South Africa

From the left :
Dr Jonny Peter, Prof Klaus Warnatz (guest speaker), Prof Andre van Niekerk and Prof Monika Esser.

The Moroccan Society for Immunodeficiency organized for the first time a cursus in 5 modules on Basic Immunology supporting clinical features in PID. The first module was animated by Dr Babacar Mbengue (Senegal) who presented the immune system and the infectious response, Pr Jalila El Bakkouri who presented humoral-mediated immunity and Pr Ahmed Aziz Bousfiha who presented clinical features of predominantly antibody deficiencies.

MSPID cursus: From Basic Immunology to Clinical Immunology

MSPID cursus: From Basic Immunology to Clinical Immunology2

Another PID workshop was organized by ASID members in Khartoum, Prof Ridha Barbouche and Dr Wesal Mohammed, within The International Postgraduate Conference of the University of Khartoum.

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