In Sudan WPIW 2014 was marked by the first English language A Project which took place on 29/4/2014. The 5 credit hours day was accredited for CPD points by the Sudan Medical Council and was attended by 77 delegates. The training day was conducted by 2 eminent ASID experts (Dr Monika Esser, South Africa and Prof Shereen Reda, Egypt). Local experience was presented by a number of local speakers. The day culminated in an interactive workshop on PID diagnosis and the importance and methodology of establishing patient registries and patient groups.
Dr Nahla H H Erwa MBBS, DipRCPATH Immunology
Clinical Immunologist, Faculty of Medicine & Soba University Hospital
University of Khartoum
Secretary General SSCI&A
A Project Secretary for ASID.
Sudan A Project Organizer
Organizing Committee & African Experts : Left to right: Dr Tahani Ashmeig, Dr Najwa El Bashir, Dr Esser, Dr Reda, Dr Nahla Erwa, Dr Wesal Mohammed, Dr Fatuma Naji
Algiers PID WS, December 2013, left to right: Rachida Boukari Maroufou Alao, Nizar Mahlaoui Aziz Bousfiha
Participants to Algiers PID WS, December 2013
The Moroccan Society for Primary Immunodeficiency (MSPID) is pleased to share with you the report of the 6th Annual Conference on Genetic Predisposition to Infectious Diseases, held on 29th and 30th November 2013 , at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca.
The congress was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Professor Farid Chehab, and organized in partnership with the Club of Young Medical Biologists (CJBM), chaired by Professor Jalila El Bakkouri.
We received several national and international speakers, including Shen- Yin Zhang, from the Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller University; Emmanuelle Jouanguy, from the Faculty Necker in Paris, Pr Shereen Mohamed Reda from Ain Shams University in Cairo , Professor Fethi Mellouli from the National Center for Transplantation of Tunis and Pr Marien Kallel - Sellami from the Immunology laboratory of the hospital La Rabta in Tunis. We also had guests from many countries: USA, France , Tunisia, Benin (Pr Maroufou J. Alao), Algeria (Pr Benhalla and Pr Smati ) and Egypt.