The Moroccan Society of primary immunodeficiency (MSPID) is pleased to share with you the report of its 7th Annual Congress on Genetic predisposition to infections, held on 28 and 29 November 2014, at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca.

Last 11-13 December, took place the second edition of the MENAID (Middle East-North Africa ImmunoDeficiency) in Marrakesh, which brought together PID experts from the whole MENA region. A total of 40 participants were invited. Two international speakers were also invited: Prof. Klaus Warnatz, from Centrum for Chronic Immunodeficiency in Freiburg, and Professor Andrew Cant, from the HSCT Center in Newcastle.

Les 11-13 décembre derniers, a pris place à Marrakech la seconde édition du MENAID (Middle East-North Africa ImmunoDeficiency), qui a réuni des experts des DIP de toute la région du MENA. Au total, 40 participants étaient invités. Deux conférenciers étrangers avaient également été invités : le Pr Klaus Warnatz, du Centrum for Chronic Immunodeficiency de Freiburg, et Pr Andrew Cant, du Centre de Greffe de Newcastle.

Cette année, ESID (European Society of ImmunoDeficiencies) a organisé son XVIe congrès biennal à Prague, en parallèle avec le XIIIe Meeting de l’IPOPI (International Patient Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies) et le Meeting de l’INGID (International Nurse Group for ImmunoDeficiencies).

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