After the success of the A-project in 2014, ASID continued this meaningful project in 2015. Three workshops have already been completed in this first trimester:

7th Med A-project in Addis Adebba, Ethiopia, animated by Prof Nahla Erwa and Prof Reinhard Seiger (February 18)


6th Med A-project in Dakar, Senegal, coupled with the 1st Biol A-project (February 25-26)



A workshop was also organized within the 6th North African Pediatric Congress in Nouakchott, whose main theme was the predisposition to infections (March 6-8)

Dr Erwa N H H1, & Prof Bousfiha A A2
1 Faculty of Medicine & Soba University Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan
2 Casablanca Children Hospital CHU Averroes & Medical School, King Hassan II University, Casablanca Morocco.

This is the first annual progress report on the A-project. It aims at summarizing the progress with the A-Project protocol and managerial issues as well as the meetings progress and the A-project outcomes:

Dr Erwa N H H 1, & Prof Bousfiha A A 2
1 Faculty of Medicine & Soba University Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan
2 Clinical Immunology Unit, Averroes University Hospital, Casablanca, Morocco.

Ceci est le premier rapport annuel sur le A-project qui vise à résumer les progrès concernant  le protocole du A-project et les questions de gestion ainsi que les progrès de réunions et les résultats du A-project:

This year, ESID (European Society of Immunodeficiencies) held its XVIth biennial meeting in Prague, in parallel with the XIIIth Meeting of the IPOPI (International Patient Organization for Primary Immunodeficiencies) and the INGID Meeting (International Group for Nurse Immunodeficiencies).

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Casablanca September A-Project








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