Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We would like to share with you an important decision we had to make regarding the postponement of this event and new dates proposed.

Exceptional events did take place in Tunisia and I would like to thank you all for your messages of sympathy, we did sincerely appreciate your friendly thoughts. The situation is improving but is still tense. It is also a great moment of hope including for research community and universities (please see Nature editorial and related articles [article 1, article 2, article 3]).

In this context, the local organizing committee after consultation with sponsors, travel agent and colleagues organizing similar events in the same period had a meeting and came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, it would be preferable to postpone our Congress. This preliminary decision has been now confirmed by the ASID board. The Congress is now scheduled from 8th to 11th March, 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The ASID board maintains the 3rd ASID Congress in 2013 and will probably organize another event in 2011 such as a 3rd PIDs School.

We are sincerely sorry for this, everything was progressing smoothly (scientific program, sponsoring, travel agent, hotel, social events...). All speakers from Africa, Europe and US have confirmed attendance as well as IPOPI and INGID. The board as well as colleagues from 15 African countries have been contacted and confirmed their presence. Other colleagues from Brazil, Italy, Saudi Arabia and more were willing to contribute. We did every effort possible to have a successful meeting but that's life...!

You’ve been really of great support helping us propose an exciting scientific program, some of the invited speakers paying their own airtickets and others sponsoring the event. We won’t forget that and we are relying on your presence in Hammamet from 8th to 11th March 2012. All of you are again invited to this event, please save the dates on your calendar. We will make every effort possible to make it a great moment of Science but also an outstanding opportunity to meet Friends in an always peaceful and lovely country aspiring just to be a better place where to live…!

Again we are sorry for any inconvenience and are looking forward to welcome you in Hammamet, March 2012.

Warmest regards,

On behalf of the ASID board and the local organizing committee
2nd ASID Congress

African Society for Immunodeficiencies offers training to health professionals from Western Africa

In December 2009, the African Society for Immunodeficiencies (ASID) organised a training session for health professionals from Western Africa.

Martine Pergent, Jose Drabwell report on a meeting in Casablanca

The 2nd National Conference for Primary Immunodefiencies took place on Saturday 27th June in Casablanca organised by Professor Aziz Bousfiha, President of the Moroccan Society for PID (MSPID). In attendance were doctors from Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and Saudi Arabia, as well as speakers from France and Germany. The number of young immunologists from Morocco was astonishing and bodes well for the future.

Le 2ème Congres National de la Prédisposition aux Infections se tiendra le Samedi 26 Juin 2010 à Anfa Palace Hotel de Casablanca. Les thèmes sont : Antibiothérapie, Préservation flore intestinale, Neutropénies, Nutrition, Table Ronde sur Allogreffe et DI. Communications libres.
Télécharger le pré programme (PDF).
Au plaisir de vous lire.
Pr Bousfiha :

La 2ème Ecole Africaine sur les DIP s'est tenue du 17 au 18 décembre 2009 à la faculté de médecine, de pharmacie et d'odontostomatologie de l'université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Sénégal). Les thèmes : La réponse immune anti-infectieuse, la réponse vaccinale chez les patients atteints de DIP, les DIP en Afrique et dans le monde, quand évoquer un DIP, explorer un DIP.

Symposium: Primary immunodeficiency diseases in resourcelimited settings. 4-9 August 2010

Chairs: Professor Aziz Bousfiha, Clinical Unit of Immunology, Casablanca, Morocco and executive member of the African Society for Immunodeficiencies. Professor Jean-Laurent Cassanova, President of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies,

Venue: Kobe, Japan (Kansai Region)
August 22, 2010 - August 27, 2010

The 14th International Congress of Immunology in Kobe, Japan, will be an innovative and invigorating international congress reflecting the direction of immunology in the 21st century in a safe yet exciting environment that offers a wide range of diversions to participants of all backgrounds.

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